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The Mycenaean Presence in Sicily from the XVth to the XIth centuries BC


by G. Alberti - D. Tanasi

"In his archaeological survey for Siciliy in the Archaeological Report 1987-88 R. Wilson wrote: "the proliferation of Colloquia and Congressi is another aspect of the Sicilian archaeological scene difficult for an outsider to keep track of". After 20 years this is still true, and the amount of literature concerning archaeological activity and discoveries in the island has enourmously grown, often scattered in non easily accessible publications, making difficult also for an insider to keep track of it. As a consequence, our website "The Mycenaean Presence in Sicily from the XVth to the XIth centuries BC" has been thought as a research tool, for (especially non Italian) scholars involved in the study of the relationships between the Aegean and Sicily during the Bronze Age and the First Iron Age. It will provide summaries and reviews in English of volumes and articles published in Italian language on this topic in the last 5 years, news and information about excavations, exhibitions and other scientific activities regarding Sicilian prehistory, a bibliographical database and articles in .pdf format of specifical works, a synthetic description of the evidence of the relationships between Mycenaean and Sicily during the Bronze Age with large iconographical support and a lot of useful links".


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