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Luca Bombardieri
Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichità, Medioevo e Rinascimento e Linguistica - Università di Firenze
Piazza Brunelleschi, 4. I-50121. Firenze. Italy
Home:Via Gino Capponi, 20. I-50121. Firenze. Italy.
Tel. +39 339 8661935; e-mail: luca.bombardieri
PhD Lecturer in Mediterranean Archaeology at the University of Florence. My main research interests include aspects of early technology and art within the wide frame of relation patterns between the Near East and the eastern Mediterranean during the III-I Millennium B.C, focusing on Bronze Age Cyprus.
Coordinating Research Projects devoted to Aegean and Cypriote Museum Collections (DBAS Project, MUS.INT Project, co-editor of Le Collezioni Egee del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Firenze), I collaborated on the organization of several archaeological exhibitions both in Italy (Il Simposio egeo e cipriota del Museo Nazionale di Firenze; Tell Barri: 5000 anni di storia) and abroad (Tell Barri e l'attività di Paolo Emilio Pecorella - Damascus, Syria).
Fieldwork experiences in Syria (Tell Barri, Hassake) and Cyprus, where I headed a C.N.R. Research Project (Programma Promozione Ricerca 2005- Cipro) and have been field director of the Kouris Valley Survey Project (Limassol).
Currently I am leading the excavations of the Early-Middle Bronze Age site of Erimi-Laonin tou Porakou (Limassol, Cyprus). This research is conducted under permit from the Department of Antiquities, Republic of Cyprus; The Erimi-Laonin tou Porakou Arcaheological Project is supported by INSTAP (Institute of Aegean Prehistory of Philadelphia - Instap Grant 2009), the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE Grant 2010), and the Universities of Florence and Turin.
Education, Research experience
- 2002. B.A. in Archaeology, University of Florence (Laurea). Dissertation in Near Eastern Archaeology, title: The lithic tools assemblage from Tell Barri/Kahat (EBA-IA levels), under the supervision of P.E. Pecorella (110/110 Lode).
- 2005. Ph.D. in Archaeology and Ancient History at the University of Florence (Dottorato di Ricerca); dissertation title: Millstones and Mills. The Diffusion of grinding techniques in Near East and eastern Mediterranean basin from Early Bronze Age up to the Classical period.
- 2006-present. Ph.D. Lecturer. Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichità, University of Florence.
- 1997-2006 member of the Italian Archaeological Expedition at Tell Barri/Kahat (Syria), under the direction of P.E. Pecorella (University of Florence).
- 2006-present. University of Florence. Research Project. Definizione e Sviluppo di Banche Dati per lo studio di materiali archeologici egei (DBAS Project)
- 2007. Ministero Affari Esteri. International Scholarship for archaeological researches in Cyprus (Kouris river valley, Limassol).
- 2007-2008. University of Florence (in collaboration with University of Chieti-Pescara). Field Director. Kouris Valley Survey Project (Limassol, Cyprus).
- 2008. C.N.R. Scholarship. Research project: Patterns of Assyrian influence in the Cypriote society during the Archaic period.
- 2009-2010. Institute of Aegean Prehistory - Philadelphia (INSTAP Grant). Research Project: The Kouris river valley area between Middle and Late Cypriote periods. Study of the material assemblage from the cemetery and the settlement area of Erimi-Laonin tou Porakou (Limassol, Cyprus).
- 2009-present. Department of Antiquities, Cyprus. Director of the Excavations Project at the Erimi-Laonin tou Porakou site area.
- 2010. Regione Toscana - POR Creo. Research Project: Il Museo virtuale delle Antichita Cipriote in Toscana: gestione e informatizzazione dei dati archeologici (MUS.INT Project).
- 2010. Ministero Affari Esteri (Direzione Generale per la Promozione e la Cooperazione Culturale). The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Directorate-General for Cultural Promotion and Cooperation)- Research Project: Ricerche archeologiche nell'abitato e la necropoli di Erimi-Laonin tou Porakou (EBA III-LBA I).
- 2011. University of Florence, Department of Antiquities of Cyprus. Research Project: The EBA-MBA Cemetery area at Lophou-Koulauzou, 2010 rescue excavations (in collaboration with Y. Violaris, Department of Antiquities, Cyprus).
- 2003-2004. "Lineamenti di Archeologia del Levante mediterraneo" ("An Outline of the Archaelogy of Mediterranean Levant"). Post-Graduate School of Archaeology, Near Eastern Archaeology, University of Florence.
- 2004-2005. "Tipologie e sistemi classificatori per lo studio dei manufatti archeologici nel Vicino Oriente Antico" ("The Typology and Classification Systems of the study of archaeological Handiwork in the Ancient Near East"). Degree in Archaeology, Methods and Techniques of archaeological research, University of Turin.
- 2006-2009. "Introduzione all'Archeologia Cipriota (Neolitico-Età del Bronzo Tardo)" ("Introduction to Cypriot archaeology (from Neolithic to Late Bronze Age)"). Degree in Archaeology, University of Chieti e Pescara.
- 2008-2010. "Temi e problemi della ricerca archeologica nel Mediterraneo centro-orientale: Cipro nell'Età del Bronzo" ("Topics and problems in archaeological research in the Mediterranean Middle East: Cyprus in the Bronze Age"). Post-Graduate School of Archaeology, University of Florence.
- 2010-2011. Direction of Erimi Archaeology Field School, in collaboration with CAMNES (Center of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies - Florence).
Organization of Exhibitions
- 2003. "Hatra, Ninive, Palmira", Naples, Museo Archeologico Nazionale;
- 2006. "Tell Barri 1980-2006: l'attività di P.E. Pecorella", Damascus (Syria), National Archaeological Museum; 2007. "Il servito da simposio egeo-cipriota nelle Collezioni del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Firenze" ("The Aegean-Cypriot Symposium in the Collections of the National Archaeological Museum of Florence"), Cortile di Palazzo Antinori, Firenze.
Monographs, Edited Books
- L. Bombardieri, Millstones and Diffusion of grinding techniques in the Ancient Near Eastern Mediterranenan basin from Early Bronze Age up to the Classical period. B.A.R. British Archaeological Reports (BAR S2055 2010), Oxford 2010.
- A.M. Jasink, L. Bombardieri (eds.), Le collezioni egee del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Firenze, F.U.P. Firenze University Press, Soprintendenza ai Beni Archeologici per la Toscana, Firenze 2009.
- A.M. Jasink, L. Bombardieri (eds.), Researches of Cypriote History and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Florence (April 29-30th 2009), F.U.P. Firenze University Press, Firenze 2010.
Papers (Journals, Conference and Symposia Proceedings, Chapters in books)
- L. Bombardieri, "Recipienti litici dell'Eta del Ferro da Tell Barri: una produzione fra il VII ed il VI secolo a.C.", in OE, Notes et nouvelles d'archeologie orientale, 2003/3, pp. 69-73.
- L. Bombardieri, "Il dispositivo a pivot per tournette. Sviluppo e diffusione tra la Mesopotamia e l'area dell'Egeo", in OE, Notes et nouvelles d'archeologie orientale, 2004/4, pp. 12-20.
- L. Bombardieri, "Mulini a scanalatura e Mulini a tramoggia. Definizione e sviluppo della tecnologia molitoria durante il I Millennio a.C", in P.E Pecorella, R. Pierobon-Benoit (eds.), Tell Barri-Kahat. La campagna del 2002, F.U.P. Firenze University Press, Firenze 2005, pp. 156-180.
- L. Bombardieri, L. Chiocchetti, P. Fiorina, "Kalhu-Kahat. Elementi di continuità attraverso il periodo neoassiro finale e l'eta neobabilonese caldea in Mesopotamia settentrionale", in Mesopotamia LX (2005), pp. 76-88
- L. Bombardieri, F. Gonzato, A.M. Jasink, "DBAS. Data-Bases on Aegean Subjects on-line", in Kadmos, Band XLV (2006), pp. 173-186.
- L. Bombardieri, A.M. Jasink, "L'area orientale della piana Cilicia. Elementi peculiari per una storia della regione fra l'eta neoassira e l'epoca achemenide", in S. Conti, B. Scardigli, M.C. Torchio (eds.), Geografia e Viaggi nell'antichita, Ancona 2007, pp. 83-112.
- L. Bombardieri, F. Gonzato, A.M. Jasink, "New Research tools for Aegean studies. The DBAS Project on-line", in DO-SO-MO, 7 (2007), pp. 81-92.
- L. Bombardieri, "La macinazione nella raffigurazione iconografica a Cipro tra II e I Millennio a.C.: sviluppo della rappresentazione e confronti con il Vicino Oriente e l'area egea", in Mesopotamia LXII (2007), pp. 23-36.
- L. Bombardieri, "La produzione ceramica dell'Eta del Ferro II-III a Tell Barri e in Mesopotamia settentrionale. Tipologia e contesti", Proceedings of the Symposium "Tell Barri fra Oriente e Occidente", Napoli, 20-22 Novembre 2005, PdP (2008), pp. 277-291.
- L. Bombardieri, "The Millstones and diffusion of new grinding techniques from Assyrian Mesopotamia to the Eastern Mediterranean basin during the Iron Age", in O. Menozzi, M.L. DI Marzio, D. Fossataro (a cura di), Proceedings of the IX Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Chieti, February 24-26 2005. Oxford 2008, pp. 458-472.
- L. Bombardieri, A.M. Jasink, O. Menozzi, "The Kouris river valley survey project: Archaeological and historical researches in Cyprus", in Antiquity 82/315 (2008), project gallery.
- L. Bombardieri, C. Forasassi, "The pottery from IA II-III levels of Late-Assyrian to Post-Assyrian period in Tell Barri/Kahat. Aspects of continuity in the production throughout the collapse of the empire and the transition to the Neo-Babylonian up to the Achemenian period in northern Mesopotamia", in J.M. Cordoba, M. Molist, M. Carmen Perez, I. Rubio, S. Martinez (eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (V ICAANE), Madrid, April 3-8 2006. Madrid 2008, pp. 323-338.
- L. Bombardieri, A.M. Jasink, "Assyrians, Phoenicians, Cypriots and Greeks: the co-existence of foreign cultural influences in the Cukurova plain during the Iron Age", in Proceedings of the IVth International Symposium on Cilician Archaeology (Olba XII Suppl. (2008), pp. 23-56.
- L. Bombardieri, D. Fossataro, A.M. Jasink, O. Menozzi, "The Kouris river survey project: 2007 preliminary report" in Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus 2008, pp. 159-182.
- L. Bombardieri, "Zoomorphic Stone vessels from North Mesopotamia during the Late- and Post- Assyrian period.", in H. Kühne, R.M. Czichon, F.J. Kreppner (eds.), Proceedings of the IV International Congress on the Archaeology of Ancient Near East (IV ICAANE), Berlin, March 29- April 3 2004. Wiesbaden 2008, pp. 234-278.
- L. Bombardieri, A.M. Jasink, O. Menozzi, D. Fossataro, "The Kouris Valley Survey Project 2007: methodologies and preliminary results", in P. Matthiae et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the VI International Congress on the Archaeology of Ancient Near East (VI ICAANE), Roma, May 5-10 2008, Roma 2009, pp. 279-293.
- L. Bombardieri, M. Marino, "Patterns of Assyrian influence in the Cypriote society during the Archaic period. The archaeological and epigraphic evidence", in H. Oniz (ed.) Proceedings of the XII Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology 2008, Famagousta, March 5-8 2008, Oxford 2009, pp. 345-358.
- L. Bombardieri, "Cicladi", in L. Bombardieri, A.M. Jasink (eds.), Le collezioni egee del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Firenze, F.U.P. Firenze University Press, Firenze 2009, pp. 289-312.
- L. Bombardieri, "Banca Dati per lo studio della glittica gerogligica cretese (DBAS-CHS)", in A.M. Jasink, Cretan Hierglyphic Seals, Roma 2009, pp. 197-208.
- L. Bombardieri, "The MBA-LBA I period in the Kourion region: new evidences from Erimi-Laonin tou Porakou (Lemesos, Cyprus)", in Antiguo Oriente 7 (2009), C.E.A.O. University of Buenos Aires, pp. 281-300.
- L. Bombardieri, D. Fossataro, A.M. Jasink, O. Menozzi, "Preliminary Excavations at Erimi-Laonin tou Porakou (Lemesos, Cyprus)" in Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus 2009, 131-162.
- L. Bombardieri, D. Fossataro, A.M. Jasink, O. Menozzi, "The Kouris river survey project: 2008 preliminary report" in Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus 2009, 117-129.
- L. Bombardieri, "Surveying the Kourion land: Field survey of the Kouris Valley and Preliminary Excavations at Erimi-Laonin tou Porakou (2007-2008 seasons)", in L. Bombardieri, A.M. Jasink (eds.), Researches of Cypriote History and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Conference held in Florence (April 29-30th 2009), Firenze 2010, pp. 33-52.
- L. Bombardieri, A.M. Jasink, "The Kouris Valley Project 2007-2009: an overview", in Res Antiquae 7 (2010), pp. 263-270.
- L. Bombardieri, G. Tucci, L. Fiorini, A. Conti, " 3D Survey of the Early-Middle Bronze Age Workshop Complex and cemetery area at Erimi-Laonin tou Porakou (Cyprus)", in International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVIII-5/W16 . ISPRS Workshop 3D-ARCH'2011: 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of complex Architectures, Trento 2-4 March 2011 (CD-Rom. ISSN Number: 1682-1777).
- L. Bombardieri, F. Chelazzi, "Land use and settlement patterns in the Kourion region: a cross-analysis of the MC-LC topography and pottery evidence", in A. Jacobs, K. Nys (eds.) Proceedings of the 8th annual meeting of Postgraduate Cypriote Archaeology (VIII POCA), Bruxelles, November 27-29 2008, forthcoming.
- L. Bombardieri, "Modelli di approvvigionamento dei basalti e delle altre materie prime litiche nella produzione dei manufatti per la macinazione tra il Vicino Oriente, Cipro e il bacino dell'Egeo in epoca preclassica", in Macine nell'Antichità, dalla Preistoria all'Eta romana, A. Kolosimo (ed.), Bolzano, forthcoming.
- L. Bombardieri, C. Forasassi, "La ceramica neobabilonese di Tell Barri", in P.E Pecorella (ed.), Tell Barri-Kahat 3. Relazione sulle campagne 1995-2005 a Tell Barri nel bacino del Habur (Siria), F.U.P. Firenze University Press, Firenze, forthcoming.
- L. Bombardieri, A.M. Jasink, "The Goksu river valley from Late Bronze to Iron Age. Local cultures, external influences and relations with foreign peoples", in Proceedings of the international conference "Rough Cilicia: New Archaeological and Historical Approaches", Lincoln, Nebraska October 25-27 2007, forthcoming.
- L. Bombardieri, "Nimrud/Kalhu: l'industria litica in pietra levigata dalla prospezione di superficie e dall'area del Forte Salmanassar", in Mesopotamia LXIV (2010), forthcoming.
- L. Bombardieri, "Detecting a sequence: Stratigraphy and Chronology of the Workshop Complex at Erimi-Laonin tou Porakou", in A. Georgiou (ed.) Proceedings of the 9th annual meeting of Postgraduate Cypriote Archaeology (IX POCA), Oxford, November 19th-21st 2009, forthcoming.
- L. Bombardieri, "Excavations at Erimi-Laonin tou Porakou: 2009 Preliminary Report", in Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus 2010, forthcoming.
- L. Bombardieri, A.M. Jasink, "Decorative repertoire and script-signs: a complex "origin" for the writing system in Cyprus?" in Kadmos (2010), forthcoming.
- L. Bombardieri, F. Chelazzi, M.L. Amadio, "Investigating the intra-site spatial relations at Erimi-Laonin tou Porakou: the organization of the workshop, settlement and cemetery areas during the EC III-LC I period", in I. Hadjikyriakos, M. Trentin (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th annual meeting of Postgraduate Cypriote Archaeology (X POCA), Venice, October 28th-30 2010, forthcoming.
- L. Bombardieri, M. Fedi, C. Scirè Calabrisotto, L. Caforio,. " Erimi-Laonin tou Porakou (Limassol, Cyprus): Radiocarbon Analyses in the Bronze Age Cemetery and Workshop Complex", In 6th International Symposium Radiocarbon and Archaeology, Pafos, Cyprus, 10-15th April 2011, forthcoming.
- L. Bombardieri, F. Chelazzi, G. Dionisio, "Erimi-Laonin tou Porakou: 2008-2010 fieldwork seasons", in Proceedings of the 15th Symposium of Mediterranean Archaeology, Catania, 3rd-5th March 2011, forthcoming.