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Barbara Montecchi
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- 2008-2010 Ph.D. in Ancient History, University of Florence
Dissertation title: "Buildings and Builders in Mycenaean Times: A critical assessment of the archaeological and epigraphic evidence" ("Edifici e maestranze edili in Età Micenea")
- 2005-2007 Postgraduate specialization in Archaeology, Italian School of Archaeology at Athens
Dissertation title: "Administration and Accounting Systems at Ayia Triada in LM IB" ("Amministrazione e Contabilità ad Haghia Triada nel TM IB")
- 2004 Degree in Classics, University of Florence
Dissertation title: "The Role of the Administrative Centre of Ayia Triada in LM I" ("Il ruolo del centro amministrativo di Haghia Triada nel TM I")
Post Doc Fellowships
- 2011 Research Fellow at the Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene
Teaching Experiences
- 2011 Adjunct Professor of "Mycenaean Civilization", University "Carlo Bo" of Urbino
- March - April 2011 Lectures: "Mycenaean Phylology. Level I" University of Florence
- 16 April 2010 Seminar: "Mycenaean Burial Practices", Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia, University of Florence
- March-April 2009 Lectures: "Inscriptions and Pseudo-inscriptions on Minoan and Mycenaean vases", University of Florence. Notes and slides available on-line http://www.unifi.it/dbas1/CMpro-v-p-15.html
- November 2008 Lectures: "The Linear A Archives of Haghia Triada", As part of the course, about Aegean Civilization, held at the University of Florence by Prof. A. M. Jasink
- May 2008 - Lectures: "Crete in Mycenaean Times", Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia, University of Florence
- April 2008 Lectures: "The Messarà Plain (Crete) from Minoan to Roman Times", As part of the course, about Aegean Civilization, held at the University of Florence by Prof. A. M. Jasink
Excavation Experiences
- July 2006 Excavation at Gortys in Crete (Greece), directed by Prof. E. Zanini, University of Siena
- July 2005 Excavation at Hephaestia in Lemnos (Greece), directed by Prof. E. Greco, Italian School of Archaeology in Athens
Other Experiences
- 2011 Collaboration with the "Istituto di Studi sulle Civiltà dell'Egeo e del Vicino Oriente" of Rome (ICEVO) for a research in the field of Aegean and Cypriot writing systems and documents of the II millennia a.C.
- 1 September - 30 November 2009 Visiting Ph.D. Student at the Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge
- From 2009 Collaboration for the DBAS Project (on-line Data Bases about Aegean Subjects) University of Florence, http//dbas.sciant.unifi.it
- Forthcoming "Wool-spinning, bronze-working, and the peculiarities of mycenaean ta-ra-si-ja", Pasiphae 4, 2010.
- Forthcoming: "A note on the tablet KN E 971 and the o-pa in the context of agricultural works", DO-SO-MO 9, 2010.
- 2010: "A classification proposal of Linear A tablets from Haghia Triada in classes and series", Kadmos 49, pp. 11-38.
- Forthcoming Review: A. Sacconi, M. Del Freo, L. Godart, M. Negri (eds.), Colloquium Romanum. Atti del XII Colloquio Internazionale di Micenologia (Roma 20-25 febbraio 2006), Pisa-Roma, 2008, ASAtene LXXXVII, 2009.
- 2009 "Le frazioni, gli errori di calcolo e le unità di misura nella documentazione in lineare A" ("Fractions, Miscalculations and Units of Measurements in Linear A Documents"), AIIN 55, pp. 29-52, tav. I.
- 2009 "Ceramica micenea" ("Mycenaean Pottery"), in A. M. Jasink - L. Bombardieri (eds.), Le collezioni egee del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Firenze, Firenze, pp. 196-205.
- 2009 "Coroplastica micenea" ("Mycenaean Clay Figurines"), in A. M. Jasink - L. Bombardieri (eds.), Le collezioni egee del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Firenze, Firenze, pp. 217-224.
- 2008 "Note d'analisi testuale delle tavolette in lineare A di Haghia Triada" ("Comments on Textual Analysis of Linear A Tablets from Ayia Triada"), ASAtene LXXXVI, pp. 313-326.
- 2007 "Le misure del valore nell'economia micenea" ("Measures of Value in Mycenaean Economy"), RIN CVIII, pp. 483-490.
- 2007 "Alcune riflessioni sugli ∆andrei§a e sulle ∆agέvlai cretesi" ("Some Reflections about Cretan andreia and aghelai"), ASAtene LXXXV, pp. 83-117.
- 2006 "Santuari micenei e produzione artigianale: i casi di Pilo, Micene, Tirinto e Dimini" ("Mycenaean Sanctuaries and Craft Production: the Cases of Pylos, Mycenae, Tiryns and Dimini"), ASAtene LXXXIV/1, pp. 161-190.
- 2005 L. Ficuciello - B. Montecchi, "Hephaestia 2005. L'Ampliamento Est", ASAtene LXXXIII/2, pp. 944-951.