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Mycenological publications by scholars of the former Soviet Union
S. Sharypkin
Monograph: С.Я. Лурье, Язык и культура микенской Греции, Москва - Ленинград 1957.
S. Ya. Lur'ye, Language and culture of Mycenaean Greece, Moscow - Leningrad 1957.
The monograph includes three chapters:
Grammar of Mycenaean Greek inscriptions
Greece of Mycenaean epoch
Selection of Mycenaean inscriptions
In Russian.
The author used his own way to translitterate the syllabic signs which differed from the commonly used: z- instead of d-, v- instead of w- . The linguistic part of the monograph is mainly out of date nowadays but the description of Mycenaean society contains many important observations and conclusions.
Article: Н.С. Гринбаум, Крито-микенские тексты и древнегреческие диалекты,
«Вопросы языкознания» 1959, № 6, стр. 78-86.
N.S. Grinbaum, Creto-Mycenaean texts and ancient Greek dialects, "Voprosy yazykoznaniya" 1959, N 6, pp. 78-86.
In Russian.
The author discusses the classification of Greek dialects of the I Millennium B.C. in the light of the evidence of Linear B inscriptions.
Article: И.М. Тронский, Образования на -φι в гомеровском эпосе,
"Eirene" t. 1, Praha 1960, стр. 37-50.
I.M. Tronsky, Forms in -φι in Homeric Epics, "Eirene" t.1, Praha 1960, pp. 37-50. In Russian.
The author examines the use of the forms in -pi = -phi both in the Mycenaean texts and in Homer, discussing common semantic and syntactic characteristics and differences.
Article: И.М. Тронский, Слоговая структура древнегреческого языка и греческое слоговое письмо,
«Древний мир: академику В.В. Струве»,
Москва 1962, стр. 620-626.
I.M. Tronsky, The syllable structure of the Ancient Greek language and Greek Syllabic Writing, [in:] "Drevniy mir: akademikou V.V. Struve" (Ancient World: to Academician V.V. Struve), Moscow 1962, pp. 620-626.
In Russian. The author compares the systems of Linear B script and Cypriot syllabary. It was the earliest attempt of a non-syllable-based approach to discussing the Mycenaean and Cypriot strategies for representing consonant groups. Tronsky treared the strategies in discussion as, at least in part, a function of the phonological property of sonority.
Monograph: Я.А. Ленцман, Рабство в микенской и гомеровской Греции, Москва 1963.
Ya. A. Lentsman, Slavery in Mycenaean and Homeric Greece, Moscow - Leningrad 1963.
In Russian. This work was a first attempt to examine the problem of slavery in the first years after the decipherment of Linear B. It is nowadays to a considerable extent out of date but nevertheless contains some interesting observations and opinions.
Monograph: Т.В. Блаватская, Ахейская Греция во ІІ тысячелетии до н.э.,
Москва 1966. T.V. Blavatskaya, Achaean Greece in the II Millennium B.C., Moscow 1966.
In Russian. An extensive introduction to the history of Greek civilization in the II Millennium B.C. The author used different sources available at her time.
Article: Н.С. Гринбаум, Крито-микенские тексты и язык древнегреческой хоровой лирики (Пиндар),
"Studia Mycenaea", Brno 1968, стр. 75-86.
N.S. Grinbaum, Creto-Mycenaean texts and language of Ancient Greek Lyric Poetry, (Pindar), "Studia Mycenaea", Brno 1968, pp. 75-86.
In Russian. The author established important connections - first of all in poetic epithets - between the language of Linear B texts and the language of Greek Choral Lyric poetry.
Article: С.Я. Шарипкін, Основні особливості відміни іменників з основою на -о- у мові кріто-микенських написів,
«Іноземна філологія» № 17, Львів 1968, стр. 13-18.
S.Ya. Sharypkin, Main peculiarities of nouns in -o- in Creto-Mycenaean Inscriptions, "Inozemna filologiya" № 17, Lvov 1968, pp. 13-18.
In Ukrainian. The author examines forms of thematic declension in Mycenaean texts, including the optional form of the genitive singular in -o (besides -o-jo).
Article: С.Я. Шарипкін, Особливості атематичної відміни у мові кріто-микенських написів,
«Іноземна філологія» № 20, 1970, Львів стр. 3-8.
S.Ya. Sharypkin, Peculiarities of the athematic declension in the language of Creto-Mycenaean Inscriptions, "Inozemna filologiya" № 20, Lvov 1970, pp. 3-8.
In Ukrainian. The author examines the forms of nouns of athematic declension in the texts of Linear B script analizing them from historical and comparative point of view.
Article: С.Я. Шарипкін, Значення форм на -φι у мові кріто-микенських написів,
«Іноземна філологія» № 24, Львів 1971, стр. 67-71.
S.Ya. Sharypkin, Meaning of Forms in -φ in the language of the Creto-Mycenaean inscriptions, "Inozemna folologiya" № 24, Lvov 1971, pp. 67-71.
In Ukrainian. The author argues that we must take apart, in texts of Linear B script, two categories of the forms in -pi: the forms of local semantics which could be used in all numbers and those of the instrumental plural (of the 1st nad 3d declensions.
Article: И.М. Тронский, Некоторые итоги развития микенологии,
«Вестник древней истории» ("Journal of Ancient History", Moscow) № 2, 1971, стр. 84-92.
I.M. Tronsky, Some Results of Development of the Mycenology, "Vestnik Drevney Istorii ("Journal of Ancient History", Moscow) № 2, 1971, pp. 84-92.
In Russian. The article gives an overall view of the development of mycenological studies after the decipherment of the Linear B script. It concludes also the information about the mycenological activity in the discussed period in the former Soviet Union.
Article: И.М. Тронский, К вопросу об окончаниях инструменталиса в древнегреческом языке,
«Іноземна філологія», № 28, Львiв 1972, стр. 19-21.
I.M. Tronsky, About Endings of the instrumental case in Ancient Greek, "Inozemna filologiya" N 28, Lvov 1972, pp. 19-21.
In Russian. Comparing the data of Indo-European languages, the author suggests that the instrumental case had, in the language of the Linear B script, for the athematic nouns the ending -ĕ and not ē (po-de= podĕ, not podē).
Chapter of monograph: И.М. Тронский, Вопросы языкового развития в античном обществе, Ленинград 1973, стр. 64-102.
I.M. Tronsky, Questions of linguistic development in Ancient Greece, Leningrad 1973.
The second chapter "The most ancient written language" treats problems of mycenology, pp. 64-102.
In Russian.
Article: Н.С. Гринбаум, Древнегреческая диалектология и проблема «микенского»,
«Вопросы языкознания» 1974, № 3, стр. 116-123.
N.S. Grinbaum, Ancient Greek Dialectology and the problem of "Mycenaean", "Voprosy yazykoznaniya" 1974, № 3, стр. 116-123.
In Russian. The author discusses the notion of the Mycenaean dialect and its place in the general classification of the Greek dialects.
Monograph: Г.Ф. Полякова, Социально-политическая структура пилосского общества (по данным линейного письма В), Москва 1978.
G.F. Polyakova, Social and Political Structure of Pylian Society (on the Base of the Data of the Linear B Script), Moscow 1978.
In Russian. The author describes on the basis of Linear B texts the main aspects of the structure of Pylian society in the epoch of bronze. Special attention is payed to the land tenure.
Chapter of monograph: Н.Н. Казанский, Диалекты древнегреческого языка, Ленинград 1983, стр. 85-93.
N.N. Kazanskiy, Dialects of Ancient Greek, Leningrad 1983. [The Mycenaean dialect is concerned in the chapter on pages 85-93].
In Russian.
Chapter of monograph: Н.С. Гринбаум, Ранние формы литературного языка (древнегреческий), Ленинград 1984, стр. 17-42.
N.S. Grinbaum, Early forms of literary language (Ancient Greek), Leningrad 1984.
The chapter on the pages 17-42 treats mycenological problems.
In Russian. The chapter I and the 1st part of the chapter II (the pages 17-42) treats mycenological problems: the athor discusses the impotance of mycenological evidence for reconstructing the process of development of literary languages, especially of that of epic poetry.
Article: С.Я. Шарыпкин, Синкретизм греческого датива в свете древнейших греческих надписей,
«Известия Академии Наук СССР. Серия литературы и языка» т. 63, № 3, 1985, стр. 204-211.
S. Ya. Sharypkin, Syncretism of the Greek Dative in the light of the most ancient Greek Inscriptions, "Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Yazyka I literatury" (Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Series of literature and language) t. 63, N. 3, 1985, pp. 204-211.
In Russian. The author discusses the problems connected with the syncretic character of the Greek dative and makes an attempt to reconstruct the stages of the process of the syncretism on the base of mycenaean evidence. He argues that the Greek had from the very beginning of its independent development only one common form, in plural, both for dative and locative in -*si. As regards the forms in -pi, the author distinguishes between adverbial forms (where?) and instrumental plural of the 1st and 3d declensions.
Dictionary: В.П. Казанскене, Н.Н. Казанский, Предметно-понятийный словарь греческого языка. Крито-микенский период, Ленинград 1986.
V.P. Kazanskene, N.N. Kazansky, Dictionary of objects and notions of Ancient Greek. Creto-Mycenaean period, Leningrad 1986.
In Russian.
Monograph: А.А. Молчанов, В.П. Нерознак, С.Я. Шарыпкин, Памятники древнейшей греческой письменности. Введение в микенологию, Москва 1988.
A.A. Molchanov, V.P. Neroznak, S. Ya. Sharypkin, Monuments of the most ancient Greek Script: An introduction to mycenology, Moscow 1988.
In Russian. With a short summary in English language. The authors summed up the main results of the mycenological researches. A.A. Molchanov wrote chapter I "Subject, origin and development of mycenology" (pp. 6-30), chapter II "Linear B texts as a historic source" (pp. 31-65) and addition "Minoan language: problems and facts" (pp.167-176). He also compiled the Practicum. S.Ya. Sharypkin is the author of chapter III "Language of Cretan-Mycenaean inscriptions" (§ 9 "Dialect of Linear B texts" was written by both S.Ya. Sharypkin and V.P. Neroznak). V.P. Neroznak prepared the Vocabulary.
Chapter of monograph: Ю.В. Откупщиков, Догреческий субстрат,Ленинград 1988, стр. 169-186.
Yu.V. Otkupshchikov, Pre-Greek substratum, Leningrad 1988.
The Chapter V "Palaeobalcanic languages and the Linear B script" (pp. 169-186) treats mycenological problems.
In Russian.
Article: Ю.В. Андреев, Минойская тавромахия в контексте критского цикла мифов, [в:] "ΜΟΥΣΕΙΟΝ" , Санкт-Петербург, 1997, стр. 17-30.
Yu. V. Andreyev, Minoan Tauromachia in the Context of Cretan cycle of Myths, [in:] "ΜΟΥΣΕΙΟΝ" , St Peterburg 1997, pp. 17-30.
In Russian. The author treats the language of Linear B texts as a kind of Greek- Palaeobalcanic koine
Article: В.П. Казанскене, Симмахия микенского времени (к интерпретации текста PY An 657), [в:] "ΜΟΥΣΕΙΟΝ" , Санкт-Петербург 1997, стр. 31-36.
V.P. Kazanskene, Symmachia of Mycenaean time (towards an interpretation of the text PY An 657), [in:] "ΜΟΥΣΕΙΟΝ" , St Peterburg 1997, pp. 31-36.
In Russian.
Article: Н.Н. Казанский, Функциональные характеристики медия в языке крито-микенских надписей, [в:] "ΜΟΥΣΕΙΟΝ" , Санкт-Петербург 1997, pp. 37-45.
N.N. Kazansky, Functional characteristics of medium in the language of Creto-Mycenaean inscriptions, [in:] "ΜΟΥΣΕΙΟΝ" , St Peterburg 1997, pp. 37-45.
In Russian.
Monograph: Ю.В. Откупщиков, Фестский диск. Проблемы дешифровки, Санкт-Петербург 2000.
Yu.V. Otkupshchikov, The Phaistos Disc. Decoding problems, St. Peterburg 2000.
Polish translation (Dysk z Fajstos. Problemy odszyfrowania) has been published in "Do-so-mo" 7. Fascicula Mycenologica et Classica Polona, Piotrkow Trybunalski 2007.
In Russian.
Monograph: A.A. Moлчанов, Социальные структуры и общественные отношения в Греции II тысячелетия до н.э., Москва 2000.
A.A. Molchanov, Social structures and public relations in Greece of the second Millennium B.C., Moscow 2000.
Minoistics and mycenology. Some problems of source criticism.
In Russian. English summary on pages 304-310.
The monograph treats some problems of minoistics and mycenology, especially those of source criticism. It consists of two parts: Part I. Historical realities of Minoan Crete according to the written sources. Part II. Aechaean Greece in the light of the data of the tradition and of other sources: Nature, Society, Family, Competent Personality.